Hocking State Forest Bridle Trail
Horse Camp and Trail Rules
Please observe the following:
This campground is for horse riders only.
- Day users are to use the day-use parking lot.
Do not park in camp area.
- Horse campers must register at the Self-
Registration Booth. Only one unit is
permitted per campsite.
- Campsites are available on a first-come first-served basis; saving campsites is
- Fires and camping are allowed in
designated areas only. Do not move fire
- Trash and litter should be handled with the
back-country ethic, �Pack it in, pack it out.�
- Do not leave fires unattended or dispose of
trash in fire rings.
- For your safety, the forest closes at dark;
riding is not permitted after dark.
- Please park all equipment on your campsite;
do not park in the grass.
- Maintain your campsite in a clean and
sanitary manner. Citations may be issued.
- Please use the hitch posts; tying horses to
trees is prohibited.
- Please observe quiet hours from 11:00 p.m.
to 8:00 a.m.
- Alcoholic beverages are prohibited.
- The use of firearms is restricted to lawful
hunting only.
- Riding is permitted only on designated
painted trails (orange, red, purple, and
white). Riding is prohibited in state park
and preserve areas. (Exception: Riders of
the Buckeye Trail may use the horsemen�s
bypass around the east end of Old Man�s
Cave and Cedar Falls).
- The State Forest boundary is marked with
yellow blazes.

Trail Map can be viewed here in gif format
Trail Map .GIF
Tar Hollow State Forest Bridle Trail
Tar Hollow is Ohio�s third largest state forest, with
over 16,000 acres. Recreational activities include
camping, hiking, horseback riding, hunting, bird
watching, mushroom hunting, and others. The
Horseman�s campground and bridle trails are extremely popular.
A wooded, 45-site primitive campground is available
for use by horsemen. Latrines, water for horses, and
horse tie areas are provided. Electricity and drinking
water are not available. The campground is extremely
popular and will fill up early on holiday weekends.
Trails can be accessed from the campground as well
as at road crossings throughout the forest. A day use
parking area is available.
There are 33 miles of designated bridle trails available
for use by horsemen.
Forest Rules
A summary of rules is provided below as a convenience
to horse campers and riders, and is not intended to cover
all laws and regulations. Please obey these rules so Tar
Hollow State Forest can remain a beautiful area
providing all forest users a quality backcountry
- This campground is for horse riders only.
- Trails�Riders must stay on designated trails or
forest roads south of Piney Creek and Clark Hollow
roads. Designated trails are marked with white
blazes. Horse riding is prohibited on the red
blazed Logan Trail and the blue blazed Buckeye
Trail, (except where shared with the white blazed
bridle trail) any unpainted trail, and all trails or
roads north of Piney Creek and Clark Hollow
roads. Numbered location markers are located at all
road crossings and trail intersections. Find the
corresponding location number on the map to
determine your location.
- Campground�Horses and pets must be leashed and
under control at all times. The tethering of any animal
to trees is prohibited. Camping is allowed on
designated sites only. All campers must register.
Reserving sites is prohibited. One camping unit, one
motor vehicle, and one horse trailer is permitted per
- Alcohol�Public display or consumption of alcoholic
beverages is prohibited.
- Please observe quiet hours from 11:00 p.m. to
8:00 a.m.
- Litter may be disposed of only in receptacles
- Disturbance, defacement, or destruction of any
structure, property, natural feature, tree, shrub, or
wildflower is prohibited.
- Operation of motor vehicles is restricted to
designated roads. The speed limit on all forest roads
is 30 MPH unless otherwise posted. Vehicles may not
be parked where traffic or access to service roads or
trails will be obstructed.

Trail Map can be viewed here in gif format
Trail Map .GIF
Practice Trail Etiquette
State Forest Bridle Trails are one of
the most popular riding areas in our state with
more than 30,000 horse and rider visits each year.
As defined in our mission, the ODNR Division of
Forestry is responsible for managing the soil and
water resources within State Forests. In
order to protect the trails and woodlands from soil
erosion and other resource damage, horse riding
is permitted only on designated painted trails. The
Division of Forestry has implemented several
changes, many of which can be seen as you ride
the trails. We need your help to ensure the
protection of forest land surrounding the bridle
trails. Practicing proper trail etiquette and
encouraging others to do the same, helps us keep
State Forests a beautiful place to ride.
This includes:
- Ride only on designated painted trails.
- Never tie to trees.
- Do not shortcut trail switchbacks.
- Pick up litter.
- Do not ride in caves or streams.
- During periods of wet weather and muddy
soil conditions, do not ride.
- Report violations and down trees to our toll
free number 1-877-247-8733.
The Division of Forestry believes these practices
will protect the forest and soil resources. A
proposal to begin an �Adopt-a-Hill� trail program
has been developed. Groups and individuals may
select and volunteer to �Adopt� a particular trail
or hill section. Those who are interested may
contact the Division of Forestry. The Division of
Forestry cares about the forest visitor and their
experience. It is for this reason that horse riders
are important partners in conservation.